Rev. Keiryu Liên Shutt

Rev. Keiryu Liên Shutt

Born into a Buddhist family in Vietnam, she began her meditation practice in the Insight tradition of Spirit Rock. She is a founding member of the Buddhists of Color in 1998. Her Soto Zen training began at Tassajara monastery where she lived from 2002-2005; after which, she practiced monastically in Japan and Vietnam.  Is a  Dharma Heir of Zenkei Blanche Hartman in the tradition of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi.

While she has placed her trust and faith in Soto Zen, she continues to enjoy the deep silence of Insight practices and has completed retreats in America and Thailand. Drawing from her monastic experiences, she endeavors to share ways in which the deep settledness of traditional practices can be brought into everyday life.

Shoho Michael Newhall

Shoho Michael Newhall

Shoho Michael Newhall was ordained and transmitted by Kobun Chino Otogawa Roshi. Prior to his installation as Jikoji’s Resident Teacher, he taught art and Buddhism at Naropa University, the Art Institute of Chicago, and other universities in the midwest. He leads sesshins and meditation workshops at Zen centers in the U.S. and Europe. Shoho has also practiced and studied with Keibun Otogawa in Japan, Dainin Katagiri Roshi, and Tenshin Reb Anderson.

Andy Acker

Andy Acker

Andy is a Jikoji Resident and student of Chinese medicine and Zen.  In this "Way Seeking Mind" talk he will describe his practice, how he uses his background to care for the body when sitting Zazen/Shikantaza, and what led him (and continues to lead him) to Zen.  After being raised Catholic & having an amicable "break-up" with theism in his late teens, he began studying Taoism & Qigong in 1997 &  Buddhist meditation in 2000 with both Sokuzan Bob Brown & Mike Dosho Port.  He has studied and practiced intensively in the Shambhala, Tibetan Kagyu, & Zen lineages.  Andy moved from Minneapolis to Boulder, Colorado in 2002 to attend Naropa University, where he studied transpersonal psychology, religious studies, somatics, writing, & music- graduating with a BA in 2005.  After a period at Jikoji five years ago, he returned to the midwest and practiced again with Sokuzan Bob Brown at Sokukoji in Michigan, & Dosho Port at Wild Fox Zen Center near Minneapolis.  He has recently returned to California & Jikoji, resuming his studies at Five Branches University in San Jose and Zen training here at Jikoji with Shoho Mike Newhall.

Camille Rae Whitney

Camille Rae Whitney

Camille began mindfulness practice in 2001 when one of her high school teachers gave her basic instruction and a copy of the book “Nothing Happens Next.” Since then, mindfulness has helped her find more ease, peacefulness, and clarity as well as greater compassion for herself and others. She took Jukkai in December 2013 with Shido Nyogen Roshi at the Hazy Moon Zen Center in Los Angeles. Camille is finishing her PhD in Education at Stanford and works as Director of Research for Mindful Schools, a nonprofit that teaches mindfulness to educators and teaches them how to teach mindfulness to students.  She is a co-leader of the Stanford Zen Society.

Shoho Michael Newhall

Shoho Michael Newhall

Shoho Michael Newhall was ordained and transmitted by Kobun Chino Otogawa Roshi. Prior to his installation as Jikoji’s Resident Teacher, he taught art and Buddhism at Naropa University, the Art Institute of Chicago, and other universities in the midwest. He leads sesshins and meditation workshops at Zen centers in the U.S. and Europe. Shoho has also practiced and studied with Keibun Otogawa in Japan, Dainin Katagiri Roshi, and Tenshin Reb Anderson.

Misha Merrill

Misha Merrill

In 1976, Misha Merrill graduated from college, showed  her work in small galleries and earned her living as a graphic designer. In 1988 she ordained as a Zen priest with Les Kaye Roshi, went to the monastery and became a librarian.  She received Dharma Transmission in 1998 and became the Primary Teacher for Zen Heart Sangha in Menlo Park/ Woodside. Misha has been teaching tea to others (including children) for over 15 years.   As Misha says it, art, gardening, teaching, tea, and her husband and animals are the crucial pieces of her 'pie'--meditation is her 'pie plate'!

Zesho Susan O’Connell

Zesho Susan O’Connell

Zesho Susan O'Connell is a Zen teacher with 25 years of meditation experience. She has lived at Zen Center since 1995, and was ordained as a priest in 1999 by Tenshin Reb Anderson. After serving in many key positions at Zen Center, she was invited to be president in 2013. Before moving into Zen Center, Susan had a full work life. As a young woman she was an actress in L.A. and New York and starred in a dozen television shows, and several feature films. After that, she started, with two other partners, her own business as an independent feature film producer with offices in San Francisco and L.A., and continued that business for 25 years. She produced four award-winning feature films, and one TV movie and has been involved with dozens of development projects. She has consulted with filmmakers around the world on how to develop stories and raise private investment capital for movies. She can’t seem to stop her involvement in film and, since living at Zen Center, has helped to produce over 10 video/film projects about Zen Center and its teachers. She is a mother and a grandmother (which she does not consider to be “work”).

DT: Junsei Jana Drakka

DT: Junsei Jana Drakka

Junsei Jana Drakka runs a 'street ministry' - popularly known as 'The Zendo Without Walls'- taking the Dharma teachings of loving kindness and total acceptance out of the temples and into the streets. Teaching in shelters, hospices and low-income  hotels offers the possibility of peace of mind to all without exception. Junsei travels widely sharing 'Harm Reduction Meditation' in universities, zen centers, hospitals and shelters.

Ellen Richter

Ellen Richter

Ellen Richter began her zen practice with Kobun Chino Roshi 40 years ago in Santa Cruz. Later she resided at the Zen Center of Los Angeles for two years where she was lay ordained by Maezumi Roshi and studied with Joko Beck. After a three-year stay in Japan, Ellen returned to Santa Cruz to raise her son, David, and to continue working as an early childhood educator. In 2013 she was ordained as a priest by Angie Boissevain.

Tim Burkett

Author of Nothing Holy About it

Tim was only 20 years old and a student at Stanford in 1964 when he met his teacher, Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. At that time there was only one small Zen center in northern California and the practice of meditation was considered “kind of odd.” Then the wildly successful Zen Mind Beginner’s Mind was published. Tim heard firsthand the talks that later appeared in that book, which has sold more than any other book on Zen Buddhism.
In Tim’s new book, he writes about the struggle to raise money for the now famous Tassajara Monastery and the story of when Suzuki took the stage after Janis Joplin at the Fillmore Auditorium during a fund-raiser. And he remembers Suzuki’s empathy for his long-suffering student, Trudy Dixon, and his tearful “lion’s roar” at her funeral. 
Tim also writes about intimate moments with two other early Japanese teachers: Katagiri Roshi and Chino Roshi. Tim was Chino Roshi’s attendant when he first arrived from Japan and he writes about having tea with him every evening at Tassajara. 
In his book, Zen’s core teachings unfold within the ordinary comedies and tragedies of everyday life. He uses poems, Zen art, parables, and koans to show how we realize our interconnected nature through the small things that we do. In his book, as in his life, Tim reveals how to live in the world with a deep joy that comes from embracing the work and play of this very moment.
Tim is the former CEO of the largest non-profit in Minnesota for the mentally impaired and chemically dependent. He is a psychologist, a Zen Buddhist priest, and the Guiding Teacher of Minnesota Zen Meditation Center. 

Jana Drakka

Jana Drakka

Junsei Jana Drakka runs a 'street ministry' - popularly known as 'The Zendo Without Walls'- taking the Dharma teachings of loving kindness and total acceptance out of the temples and into the streets. Teaching in shelters, hospices and low-income  hotels offers the possibility of peace of mind to all without exception. Junsei travels widely sharing 'Harm Reduction Meditation' in universities, zen centers, hospitals and shelters.

Dan Zigmond

Dan Zigmond

Dan Zigmond was ordained as a priest by Kobun Chino Otagawa Roshi in 1998, and was Shuso with Michael Newhall in 2009. He has been a regular speaker at Jikoji over the years. In addition to his day job at Hampton Creek Foods, he is a Contributing Editor at Tricycle, and an occasional contributor to the San Francisco Chronicle. He also started two wheelchair factories in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Dan's practice is wide ranging.

Angie Boissevain

Angie Boissevain

Angie studied with Kobun while she was raising three sons, being a wife and writing poetry.He called her the enlightened housewife. During the last thirty-plus years of her practice with him she served as a teacher and director at Jikoji, a retreat center she helped to establish for Kobun in the Santa Cruz mountains.

Yingzhao Liu

Yingzhao Liu

At 18, Ying arrived in the U.S from China.  Now she leads design efforts for emerging markets at LinkedIn. She’s also a translator and interpreter, and an experiential and outdoor educator. She has traveled to five continents and 30 countries, always affirmed by people's relationship with the environment they live in--their creativity and spirituality in everyday life. At a young age she envisioned a world without borders and is constantly inspired by the next generation of global citizens and their steady movement toward connection.